I remember holding my tiny newborn baby close to me, watching her search for my nipple for her first feed.
I remember my milk coming in and the engorgement, the discomfort until we got the attachment right and wet patches on many shirts!
But all that becomes forgotten when I think about the special cuddles, the look in her eyes as she feeds, the way she pulls on my shirt now that she’s older and the little grunting noises she makes as we get settled and ready for a feed.

The convenience is something I adore... When my little one was just 6 weeks old, my Grandma had a stroke and sadly died. I got a call at 8am, bubby and I had only just got out of bed. I grabbed my nappy bag and we were on our way to the hospital. Without having to leave my Grandma’s bedside to make and heat bottles or sterilise, I gave her as many feeds as she wanted and felt a huge sense of comfort as I held her close.
I love that it’s just for her and I. When all else fails, even the quickest feed mends tears. It’s a journey we both really enjoy!
(Michelle is married, has one gorgeous daughter and when she finds the time, teaches dance! The beautiful photos on this post are of her feeding her daughter.)
Thanks Michelle for sharing your story of the comfort of breastfeeding!
That was really lovely to read. I forget the little things that babies do at different ages and your post reminded me - thankyou.
My favourite thing you reminded me about was when they search for the nipple - it made me laugh when me kids did that, and you made me laugh just then for reminding me.
Message to Samantha Lowry, you failed god , you failed yourself….
A woman should be a harmony of prudence and temperance. Her soul should be zealous to acquire virtue; so that she may be just, brave, prudent, frugal, and hating vain-glory. Furnished with these virtues, she will, when she become a wife act worthily towards herself, her husband, her children and her family. Frequently also such a woman will act beautifully towards cities, if she happens to rule over cities and nations, as we see is sometimes the case in a kingdom. If she subdues desire and anger, there will be produced a divine symphony. She will not be pursued by illegal loves, being devoted to her husband, children and family. Women fond of connections with outside man come to hate their families, both the free members, and the slaves. They also plot against their husbands, falsely representing them as the calumniators of all their acquaintance, so that they alone may appear benevolent; and they govern their families in a way such as may be expected from lovers of indolence.
Samantha lowry
Such conduct leads to the destruction of everything common to husband and wife.
The body itself demands no more than to be saved from cold and nakedness, for the sake (of) propriety, and that is all it needs. Men's opinions, combined with ignorance, demands inanities and superfluities. No woman should be decorated with gold, nor gems from India, nor any other country, nor plait her hair artistically, nor be perfumed with Arabian perfumes, nor paint her face so that it may be more white or more red, nor give a dark tinge to her eyebrows and her eyes, nor artificially dye her gray hair, nor bathe continually. A woman of this sort is hunting a spectator of female intemperance. The beauty produced by prudence, and not by these particulars, pleases women that are well born. Neither should she consider it necessary to be noble, rich b--- in a great city, glory, have glory, and the friendship of renowned or royal men. The presence of such should not cause her annoyance, but should they be absent, she should not regret them; their absence will not hinder the prudent woman from living properly. Her soul should not anxiously dream about them, but ignore them. They are really more harmful than beneficial, as they mislead to misfortune; inevitable are treachery, envy and calumny, so that their possessor cannot be free from perturbation.
She should venerate the Gods, thereby hoping to achieve felicity, also by obeying the laws and sacred institutions of her country. After the gods, she should honor and venerate her parents, who cooperate with the gods in benefiting their children.
Samantha lowry
Moreover she ought to live with her husband [legally] and kindly, claiming nothing as her own property, but preserving and protecting his bed; this protection contains all. things. In a be---ring manner she should bear any stroke of fortune that may strike her husband; whether he is unfortunate in business, or makes ignorant mistakes, is sick, intoxicated, or has connection with other women. This last is a privilege granted to men, but not to women, since they are punished for this offence. She must submit to the law with equanimity, without jealousy. She
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