As many of you know, I chose this month to launch Breastfeeders Anonymous because the first week of August is World Breastfeeding Week. It’s been great to see breastfeeding receiving media attention all over the globe.
As part of World Breastfeeding Week, My Child magazine in partnership with the Australian Breastfeeding Association, Mothers Direct and Nursingwear, have launched the Feel Free to Feed campaign.
The whole goal behind the campaign is to bring breastfeeding into the public eye in an aim to make everyone feel that they can comfortably and happily breastfeed wherever they are – be it work, out and about in a shopping centre, restaurant, anywhere!
Like me, the organizers of this brilliant campaign want to hear about your breastfeeding experiences and they’re offering loads of good prizes to those who write in.
To learn more about the campaign and competition visit: http://mychildmagazine.com.au/HOME/feelfreetofeed/tabid/167/Default.aspx
As part of World Breastfeeding Week, My Child magazine in partnership with the Australian Breastfeeding Association, Mothers Direct and Nursingwear, have launched the Feel Free to Feed campaign.
The whole goal behind the campaign is to bring breastfeeding into the public eye in an aim to make everyone feel that they can comfortably and happily breastfeed wherever they are – be it work, out and about in a shopping centre, restaurant, anywhere!
Like me, the organizers of this brilliant campaign want to hear about your breastfeeding experiences and they’re offering loads of good prizes to those who write in.
To learn more about the campaign and competition visit: http://mychildmagazine.com.au/HOME/feelfreetofeed/tabid/167/Default.aspx

Feel Free to Feed was the brainchild of Tracey Campbell who owns Nursingwear, an online store specialising in stylish nursing wear and breastfeeding clothes. Breastfeeding clothes are garments with hidden openings that allow easy and discreet access to the breast. Nursingwear has breastfeeding tops, dresses, loungewear, pajamas and swimwear.
Tracey says: “Breastfeeding clothes are especially great for making it comfortable to breastfeed in public. Knowing that there is community support for breastfeeding will surely also be comforting to many new mums.”
In her business Tracey comes into contact with many mums who find breastfeeding in public to be a bit of a mental hurdle, because they wonder how others will accept it. Many mums also find the prospect of having to express breast milk at work (or in other public places) quite daunting. She knows from experience what a large part of a new mum’s life revolves around breastfeeding. It is really quite inconvenient and limiting to have to find a hiding place every time you need to breastfeed!
Tracey is delighted to, through Feel Free to Feed, be playing a part in helping to raise the public profile of breastfeeding and creating awareness of the needs of breastfeeding mums. If you would like to visit Tracey’s online store to have a look at their range of breastfeeding clothes, please click http://www.nursingwear.com.au/ They also have a a general information site for breastfeeding clothes http://www.breastfeedingclothes.com.au/

I stumbled upon this campaign last week when I picked up my first ever issue of My Child magazine! And I have to say, I’m IMPRESSED! My Child is classy and offers interesting, unique articles and I suggest you take a look for yourself.
In the meantime, I’d love to hear from you if you’ve been part of any celebrations for World Breastfeeding Week… please tell me all about it in the comments section.
Hey Rach,
Just wanted to say that Glen commented that he had heard you on Sonshine FM last week on his way to work. He was very impressed! So I thought I would say Congratulations!! and mention that guys are interested in breastfeeding topic too. He reported back that it was breastfeeding week and all about it, so he obviously took a lot out of the radio show!! Well Done!!
So glad my husband was really supportive of breastfeeding, I have friends whos partners are not encouraging at all. Really happy your book is so successful. lots of luv Vandra
(Im very busy at the moment but sending lots of love & support thru the air).
sorry dont know how i managed to get my comments on the site twice. oppss! Luv Vandra
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