Thursday, August 30, 2007
BA hits the airwaves...
As usual the callers views varied greatly when it came to breastfeeding. A few women called/emailed in about their amazing breastfeeding experience - one woman is feeding triplets and sounded far more alive than I do! Another lady talked about tandem feeding and a few men called in about the convenience of breastfeeding and how they stood up for mothers feeding in public.
Two listeners told about their ultimately disappointing experiences with breastfeeding. I wanted to say more to these two than I got the chance to... so, on the off chance, they're reading:
I wrote/researched Breastfeeders Anonymous for women like YOU. Women who initially wanted so much to breastfeed but due to one problem or another, ended up weaning long before they'd intended/wanted. This book is not to make bottle feeders feel guilty, it's to empower women to be able to experience breastfeeding how it should be. As Joy pointed out afterwards, there shouldn't be the problems there are with breastfeeding and there wouldn't be if people were given the right start in hospital and those first few weeks. My aim in getting this book out there is to make women aware that if things aren't going to plan, get help in those first few days otherwise issues will skyrocket! If you seek help from the beginning, most problems can be overcome.
Tomorrow some great buddies of mine (hiya Peta, Jen and Debbie) are throwing a local launch for Breastfeeders Anonymous. So, hopefully tomorrow night, I'll have some pics for you.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Having issues!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Roll call...

Saturday, August 25, 2007
Breastfeeding - it's inspirational!

'The Breastfeeder.'
Acrylic on Canvas.
This work was inspired by my own new experiences of early motherhood. Personally I encountered no difficulty at all breastfeeding, although I hesitate to use the word naturally as nothing in motherhood I believe comes naturally. Everything is encountered, experienced and then practised. Breastfeeding was a beautiful time for myself and my baby Anabelle. The work expresses the sense of spirituality gained through birth (hence the fish) and the serenity and quiet pleasure that I felt whilst breastfeeding my child.
The Artist - Jaime Bowers is now a mother of two beautiful girls. Originally from Kojonup and now living in Margaret River, she taught herself art and describes her styles as expressionistic with strong feminine themes. She's available for commission work and can be contacted on:
Thanks Jaime for letting us share your gorgeous pic of a mermaid breastfeeding her merbaby! I just love art that's inspired by breastfeeding.
Keeping track of breastfeeds...

I decided to breastfeed my babies well before they were born, and after a few initial setbacks with my first child, I was anxious but determined to try again with my second. This time it worked well! However, due to lack of sleep, not being eductated enough on breastfeeding and being unable to find a decent way to track what side, what time or how long they’d breastfeed (my babies were ‘demand’ feeders), breastfeeding became frustrating for me.
I was not looking forward to breastfeeding my next child and wanted a logical solution to some of my breastfeeding issues.
In January 2005 my sister-in-law called me, upset by the same issues that I’d faced while breastfeeding and not wanting her to stop, I decided then and there to come up with a solution. The idea of Milk Bands was born.
Milk Bands are rubber bracelets (in a gorgeous array of colour) that help breastfeeding mums keep an accurate nursing log of their baby’s feeds without the hassles of having to make written records or remember to swap pins, watches or bracelets from side to side. Milk Bands incorporate many features to make feeding and the things associated with it easier.

Since then many of my friends and family have benefited from Milk Bands and now people all around the globe are also using them.
Jenny – is the creator of Milk Bands and is also the mother of three beautiful children, with another on the way.
Thanks Jenny for telling us a bit about your inspiration to create Milk Bands. I personally adore this product – in fact, I only showcase products on this site that I really believe in. To find out more about Milk Bands or your nearest retailer, check out the website at

REQUEST: If you have a breastfeeding product you really found useful, please comment on the blog or email me ( the details… I’m always looking for more GOOD products to showcase. And, please don’t forget I’m always on the lookout for personal stories…
Friday, August 24, 2007
Mastitis – Just Too Many Times

In amidst the tears and feelings of devastating loss I pleaded to the ceiling and beyond to let me live. And then I bargained…if you let me live I promise I will do something, something that will make a difference to breastfeeding women.
Over the following year I became determined to share all that I had learned and to collect the words of other mothers so that there was ‘something’ there to fill the void that I had felt so keenly that last and final time I had mastitis.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Breastfeeding After Reduction...

During a year away in Europe we conceived and I came home exactly 24 weeks pregnant! From then the research started, I found out EVERYTHING I could about breastfeeding in general and breastfeeding after a reduction. (An excellent book for someone in the same situation is ‘Defining Your Own Success: Breastfeeding After Breast Reduction’ by Diane West). Sometimes I don't think that helped; sometimes all the knowledge made me nervous and sometimes it is what saved our breastfeeding relationship.
Marty was born 10 days late after a wonderful labour and I couldn't attach him straight away (I didn't know about baby led attachment - see, not enough research!) but he was so eager to suck. I gave up after about 5 minutes and he sucked my finger for around half an hour. He had such an excellent strong suck and it still devastates me that I didn’t take full advantage of that.
Over the next six days in hospital I fed him as much as I could and started expressing around day 3. My milk never 'came in', the colour just gradually changed from yellowish to milky white. The day before we left hospital the midwives finally convinced me to give Marty some formula and he drank that 100mL in lightning time. I know he was hungry and I knew it then - it was just so hard to realise I couldn't provide him with everything he needed.
When I came home I started taking Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle to boost my supply. Over the next few months I also took Motilium which helped greatly. The best I achieved was breastfeeding Marty all day/night and he received 120mL of formula in the evenings. I started solids early because I hated formula so much! So for a while there he was 'exclusively' breastfed with a solids meal in the evenings.

During all this time I contracted mastitis 6 times (add that to the one time I had it before I even fell pregnant with him!), endured deep and severe unexplained breast pain, found out all about vasospasm and spent hundreds of dollars on medication, ultrasound and laser treatment. I’ve breastfed, used a nipple shield, useda supply line, finger fed, fed with a soft cup feeder and bottle fed. Breastfeeding probably didn't end up cheaper for us but I will never care.
It’s Marty’s first birthday next week and he is still having two feeds a day (after my last bout of mastitis and subsequent cracked nipples etc). He enjoys a beautiful long lazy morning feed next to me in bed and one to fill his tummy for beautiful dreams right before bed.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Pregnant women who realize this before they begin their breastfeeding journey will be better prepared for obstacles that may arise and be more likely to overcome them. The best way to get ready for breastfeeding is to arm yourself by learning as much as you can about what’s ‘normal’, what’s not, and proper techniques for positioning and attachment. It’s also good to watch as many other women breastfeeding as you can. This helps to immerse you in the whole experience and feel at one with the sisterhood of breastfeeders.
The biggest factor in succeeding is your frame of mind. Research shows that women who make the decision to breastfeed while they are pregnant are far more likely to succeed than those who don’t even bother to think about it. If you believe strongly in the importance of breastfeeding and have confidence in your body’s ability to nourish your child, you will most likely succeed.
[i] Meickle, James. ‘Myths’ Stop Women Breastfeeding, in The Guardian. 10 May 2004.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Making memories...

Today I'm pleased to have Gab, a proud breastfeeding mumma, sharing some of her special photos.
I LOVE breastfeeding photos and can't recommend highly enough the value of taking them while you're still breastfeeding. They are the most beautiful pics to look back on... My book has almost thirty gorgeous pics but I'd love to put many more in subsequent print runs, so if you have any of your own you'd like to share, please email me at
The first pic I have attached is one that I consider to represent the modern breastfeeding mum - working from home with the flexibility to breastfeed on demand :D This pic shows me at work on the pc, pushing my chair away from the computer having just given my daughter Te Aroha a quick feed, or perhaps in the middle of one of these snacky feeds, which she used to do every15 mins or so at times.. she'd just wander over and climb up on me to latch on for a quick suck and then she'd be off again... :D Love thesememories. Love how working from home meant i could totally demand feed as well. All our needs were met. She self weaned when she was just over 2yrs of age and I demand fed for this entire period.
It was a big part of the reason i didn't return to work in my previous job - while they provided a room for expressing milk, how could i give my baby those little quick feeds they love to snack on during the day if i didn't have them right there WITH me able to access the breast? I'm sure you know exactly what i mean :D I remember thinking at the time, 'the day i can take her to work and feed her, is the day i will go back to work for someone else'.

The second picture is her very last breastfeed.. in March this year when she was 26mths old. We were so lucky to get a snap of that feed as we weren't to know it was her last. As you can see I just love breastfeeding.. my face says it all, there's so much unspoken communication going on there between the two of us that it makes me teary seeing it (i am pregnant and allowed to have an overflow of emotions and gushiness hehe).
The third picture is my daughter asleep in a ring sling in the midst of a very noisy birthday party for my then 3 yo son. Despite the noise and the fact she's sleeping through it, there's those intermittent tiny suck suck sucks and she's still latched on tight... like she loved to be. A feeling of total bliss and safety for them.. all their needs being metwhile being snuggled in a sling and held on the breast.
Gab; is a work at home mum to two and a half kids, 4yrs, 2yrs and a new bub arriving in December. In 2003 she started her own business after having herson Julian and began importing textiles for modern cloth nappies.For more information about Gab's business visit her website at
Thanks Gab for sharing these special memories!Also, just wanted to say thanks for those who are leaving comments - it's nice to know someone's reading all my posts!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Becoming a mother...

I was confident throughout my pregnancy that I would be the ‘perfect mother’. The reality, of course, was quite different and after the initial shock came the cracked nipples, sleepless nights, social isolation and long hours alone each day. Motherhood certainly wasn’t everything it seemed to be in those glossy parenting magazines and I felt somewhat less than perfect.
My challenges in those early days gave me a real insight into many of the issues new mothers face. With this understanding I knew that somehow I had to do what I could to help other new mums.
I am now president of non-profit organisation Mothers Helping Others, which was recently nominated for the Pride of Australia award in the category of community spirit. We believe that we can help local children and families by supporting mothers. Some of our recent projects have included improving our local playground to provide mothers with a relaxing place to enjoy time with their children and socialize with other mums. We also hold social ‘girls nights out’ to raise awareness of the need for mums to make time for themselves, have recently held a photography workshop to encourage mums’ creativity, we have a young parents’ playgroup and we are also addressing the need for improved parenting facilities for our area. In 2008 we also hope to run a range of parenting courses on topics like baby massage, relaxation strategies, settling techniques and nutrition.

Peace Mitchell
Mothers Helping Others
Sunday, August 19, 2007
My Mama's Breast
Her milk tastes like rainbows, sunshine and love.
I can drive my cars on her arm.
There is some skin on her elbow that feels good to pinch.
I can hear a song from one of my ears while the other keeps warm. Mama and I can share stories with our eyes.
When Trinity is snuggling the other side we can all practice our winking together.
With my tummy full of stars I often fall asleep.
My Mama’s milk makes me feel like I have sunflowers inside me.
My Mama’s breast makes my heart sing, her milk makes me twinkle.
Chrissy is a breastfeeding Mama of 5 years 3 months and is still going strong. She is also an author and illustrator. She says, "I have fed during pregnanacy and tandem fed. I am still enjoying feeding my 2 year old son Jimi Jazz. Birth, breastfeeding and all aspects of mothering continue to inspire my writing and artwork. I am the author of My Brother Jimi Jazz a family homebirth story, which was inspired by my journey into motherhood. I am currently writing articles and making artwork about the delights of motherhood."
Saturday, August 18, 2007
One Stop For Breastfeeding...

Friday, August 17, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007
Even Royalty Breastfeeds...

I’d like to make this site:
*A Celebration of breastfeeding – sharing of photos, stories, good news.
*A Place to keep up to date on new breastfeeding products – books, pillows, nursing clothes, etc.
*A Place to find out about all things breastfeeding – mums send in their breastfeeding questions, and I’ll find an expert to answer them (or do my best too). For example, I’m currently on the hunt for information about how breastfeeding affects the shape and feel of ones breasts and whether women who are breastfeeding can still do efficient self-breast examinations. I’m currently talking to a doctor about this and hope to have a post in the next month.
This list is continually evolving and I’d really like to hear from you about how I can make Breastfeeders Anonymous Online more friendly and helpful to all of you. Any ideas, please comment on this post or email me.

And while I’m on the call, I’m looking for photos and stories of people’s breastfeeding experiences to feature over the next few months. If you’d like to be a guest blogger on this site, please email me. You can tell your breastfeeding story or talk about anything breastfeeding related! If you are the creator of a breastfeeding product, I'd also love to hear from you.
Now for what you’re all waiting for…
A winner.
I have to say trawling through the sites posted for this contest was a lot of fun!! And so great to see so many high profile people breastfeeding. I've posted a couple of the pics that people sent me and I'm sure you'll agree they all make ya wanna go ''Ahhhhhh.'' I wanted to give everyone who made the effort to enter a book because you all came up with so much, but alas, I can’t afford to do that… so as promised… Hamish picked a winner from a hat…
Super Boobies

Oh yes.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Easy feeding...

In public, although feeding rooms were usually a common facility, I did not find them convenient or desirable. I personally felt very lonely sitting in a feeding room with my new baby for at least an hour by myself. Because of these feelings, I manufactured a wrap which I used to breastfeed in public. The wrap was the best tool during my nursing period and allowed me to incorporate breastfeeding into my lifestyle.
Bree (Bree is a mum of two, with another one on the way; she is also an inventor;

Speaking of feeding in public, I'd love to hear from any readers about any aspect of feeding in public... so comment away!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
WIN A BOOK Take 2!
I ummed and ahhed for ages about a question, because I wanted another one that both pregnant women and those already mums could answer, so in the end, I decided to go for a fun one… but I’m afraid it might take a little effort.

Breastfeeders Anonymous was HUGE when I first wrote it and gathered all the compilations – came in at about 500 pages, which was just way TOO LONG for a book of this sort. So, unfortunately I had to cut some of the chapters. One of those that got the old HEAVE HO was ‘Celebrity Milk Machines,’ so I decided to give that chapter it’s fame today. Below is the discarded chapter on breastfeeding celebrities (well part of it).
And how is it related to the contest??? Well, I challenge you lot to find a celebrity who isn’t on here that breastfed or was breastfed as a baby. Leave their name in the comments section and if possible, leave a link to the proof (i.e. where you found out the info).
It’s sometimes hard to believe that celebrities are actually normal people, especially ce

Christie Brinkley
Hilary Clinton
Cindy Crawford
Celine Dion
Gloria Estevan
Jodie Foster
Jennie Garth
Jerry Hall
Faith Hill
Joan Lunden
Andie McDowell
Elle McPherson
Demi Moore
Sarah Jessica Parker
Jane Seymour
Kelly Preston
Jada Pinkett Smith
Meryl Streep
Uma Thurman
Catherine Zeta-Jones

Princess Diana
Queen Elizabeth 2nd
Princess Mary
Bec Hewitt (nee Cartright)
And lots, lots more.
Celebrities that were breastfed:
· All the members of The Hanson’s band.
· Michael Jordan
I’ll announce the winner on August 19th and it’ll be a lucky dip – I’ll put all entrants name’s into a hat and get my son to pick a winner!
She Says...

Breastfeeding, for me, can be described as a rocky road; I travelled it, I enjoyed parts of the journey, but it was mostly very hard work.
My early preparations included attending a pre-birth breastfeeding class at my hospital, buying an appropriate feeding chair and wearing maternity bras. Things started reasonably well; good attachment and a sucking baby. Fast forward three months, and I’m giving my daughter her first bottle of supplemented formulae.
What went wrong? Sometimes I ask myself that. But here’s were the journal helps. The lovely nurse at Ngala had recommended I write down my reasons for giving her the bottle. One decision I did make was not to give up too easily. When the concern over my young daughters declining weight was raised, I tried more feeds, longer feeds, expressing to increase supply, then medication…
On her 3 month birthday I drove to the paediatrician, determined to act on whatever advice he said. My head was swimming with recommendations, but his was a simple instruction. “You have to supplement now, her weight is just too low.” I now had peace in my decision to offer her a bottle.
But what went wrong? Well, I have questioned whether it’s related to her emergency caesarean, whether she was just a light sucker (despite a good attachment), whether giving her an expressed bottle got her used to the fast flow, whether she was just too tired to eat, whether my milk was poor quality or if I was too active to have repeated let-downs…
I had tried. I have since felt the stares of breastfeeding mothers as I’ve offered her a bottle; but I know I did my best.
Amanda (Amanda is a mother, journalist, photographer and author. Her new release She Says will be out soon, for more information see her website).
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Breastfeeding - or Clowning 101
To prepare I read my two bibles - Up the Duff and What to Expect When You're Expecting and did pregnancy yoga, a natural birthing class (my husbandwas horrified at being dragged to a 'hippy spiritual' class but ended upfeeling empowered!) and a breastfeeding class. I thought I was fully equipped for the 'natural' and planned experience I fully intended to have. To cut to the chase, I needed an emergency caesarean and my son had a couple of complications so they wanted to whisk him off to special care without that all important first breastfeed and bonding time. In my morphine haze, I very persistently harassed the midwives until I got that special time with Bailey.
From that point on breastfeeding was pretty easy for me. Of course I had the usual latching lessons and painful moments while my breasts adjusted to their new role. The main challenge for me was maintaining my usual, 'I know what I am doing' confidence in public when I was really struggling to juggle boobs, breastpads, sick cloths, bras, tanks tops (for under the clothes to keep flabby tum concealed), clothes and oh of course - my wonderful baby. Like all in his family he would go from happy to hysterical due to starvation in 2 minutes, so dashing off to some smelly mother's room or café to find a private corner was not an option.
One 3am morning when Bailey was about 6 weeks old (with the threat of returning to corporate life looming) I had a light bulb idea flash in my head. What if I could design a top that built in a maternity bra, had enough fabric to cover breastpads and leaks, had pockets to hold breastpads in place, was long-enough to cover post baby tummies, was comfortable and looked good enough to be worn as a top? With the 3am feed finished, I sat up till dawn drawing a design until I had ticked off all of the 'must have's' on my list. The result was the FreshMums tank and I now have 3 designs in over 80 stores in Australia, the UK and Singapore with more to follow in New Zeland, the US and otherinternational locations.
It has been a huge 18 months and has required a considerable amount of time, money, energy and mother guilt to stay in business. We are about to launch3 new designs and a great new product called Milk Bands to help womenremember when they fed last, how long they fed for and what side to feednext. It just goes to show - women know what they want but they don't alwayshave time to do it themselves. I'm just glad that I did that drawing and was able to make breastfeeding a little bit more comfortable for over 7000 women- so far!
Tracey – Managing Director Fresh Mums.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Love my ''Num-nums''...

Tuesday, August 07, 2007
''Meesh'' for Cobey!

Throughout my pregnancy I heard horror stories from all who thought I “needed to know” so I wouldn’t feel like a failure if I couldn’t do it. I was very blasé about breastfeeding really... ‘if it works, it works,’ I’d tell myself and 'if it doesn’t, well, there’s always formula!’

Monday, August 06, 2007
Feel Free To Feed campaign!

As part of World Breastfeeding Week, My Child magazine in partnership with the Australian Breastfeeding Association, Mothers Direct and Nursingwear, have launched the Feel Free to Feed campaign.
The whole goal behind the campaign is to bring breastfeeding into the public eye in an aim to make everyone feel that they can comfortably and happily breastfeed wherever they are – be it work, out and about in a shopping centre, restaurant, anywhere!
Like me, the organizers of this brilliant campaign want to hear about your breastfeeding experiences and they’re offering loads of good prizes to those who write in.
To learn more about the campaign and competition visit:

Feel Free to Feed was the brainchild of Tracey Campbell who owns Nursingwear, an online store specialising in stylish nursing wear and breastfeeding clothes. Breastfeeding clothes are garments with hidden openings that allow easy and discreet access to the breast. Nursingwear has breastfeeding tops, dresses, loungewear, pajamas and swimwear.

I stumbled upon this campaign last week when I picked up my first ever issue of My Child magazine! And I have to say, I’m IMPRESSED! My Child is classy and offers interesting, unique articles and I suggest you take a look for yourself.
In the meantime, I’d love to hear from you if you’ve been part of any celebrations for World Breastfeeding Week… please tell me all about it in the comments section.
Joy talks about HOT MILK...

A few snippets from some of the speakers were:-
Ros Escott spoke about the effects of infant feeding on every organ system of the body, quoting peer-reviewed research to demonstrate that artificial feeding results in less-healthy individuals. A few of the many, many facts were that some artificially-fed babies studied had damaged DNA in their lymphocytes; 50% of breastfed babies infected with rotavirus showed no symptoms; and coeliac disease is more common in artificially-fed babies, especially if there is no breastmilk in the diet at the time gluten is introduced.
Psychologist Robin Grille spoke about attachment (bonding) and how early experiences, from the third trimester of pregnancy in fact, shape how the individual parents their own children in the future. He spoke about how very few of today's parents had their own attachmentneeds fully met as infants, due to cultural practices of separation, solitary sleep, methods of discipline, etc, and therefore have trouble fully meeting the emotional needs of their own babies. He talked about how human populations evolved over time to become more aggressive, by wiping out the peaceful (and well-attached) populations, as the latter didn't fight back. Aggression in a population correlated with the level of disturbance of the mother-infant bond following birth. Therefore these people were more successful in wars, so today's peoples are descended from them and have inherited practices that are not conducive to good attachment.
Helen Ball, from the UK, spoke about bedsharing. She pointed out that breastfeeding babies are positioned at the mother's breast level, and the mother instinctively protects the baby's space by facing the baby, with her elbow above the baby's head and her knees bent below the baby. The baby is not near the pillows. On the other hand, bottle-feeding mothers sleep with their babies like they would with another adult, with the baby's head level with or on a pillow,close to the mother's head. They may also face away from their babies. This difference in position in the bed influences the risk of smothering. It would be almost impossible for the breastfed baby in this normal position to be overlain or have their face covered by apillow.
Ted Greiner, a nutrition expert from Sweden, stated that paid maternity leave is a human right in any society, and it should not be considered an issue of economics at all. The proximity of the mother and child is what is important, not only for breastfeeding, but for normal attachment and emotional development of all humans. He described the situation in Sweden, where parents receive a government-provided year of paid leave between them after a baby is born. This is still cost-effective in comparison to large subsidies provided for child-care.
Thanks Joy for your news flash on some of the speakers at HOT MILK! Wish I could have been there.
If you WERE at HOT MILK, please leave a comment telling us all what you learnt or found most informative about the sessions...
Sunday, August 05, 2007
We have a WINNER!
With their mouth open wide;
they begin to dive;
straight for that breast;
there's no stopping their quest.
Their aim is always quite precise;
their mouth on the nipple like a vice;
sucking ferociously, don't distract;
if you want your nipple left intact!
across your lap they do sprawl;
they look up at you with a drunky smile;
and i makes breastfeeding so worthwhile!!
Oscar’s Mum can you please email me at with your address and full name, so that I can send you your prize.
I agreed with all answers, but here’s a few that really made me nod!
That ferocious suckling when first attached, slowing down to a contented suckle when the edge was off their hunger. Jakaluma.
I especially love the "drunk" look once they have completed a feed and dozed on it also. Maria.
Oh, and the poos, breastfed baby poos are so much easier on the nose than toddler poos. Caitlyn.
The second is when I'm feeding and I glance at my husband and I find he's sitting watching us and going "awwwwww". A lovely family moment. Lucy.
I’m really loving blogging about breastfeeding and ‘meeting’ more breastfeeders or people that want to breastfeed and have decided that I want to continue this blog long after the launch month is up.

If you have a story or photo you’d like to share or are the creator of a breastfeeding related product, I’d love to have you as a guest blogger – please email me at Even photos that are a little left of the middle, such as this gorgeous one of a dog breastfeeding kittens are welcome - anything that shows the specialness of breastfeeding...
‘Til next time,
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Cover Star!

Well, as you can imagine this did not help one bit and only served to reduce my milk flow to zero. After two months of fighting her every feed she was eventually out onto formula full time. But I had learnt a valuable lesson. Sometimes you need to trust your own instinct over a professional opinion.
Fay; mother of the beautiful baby on the cover of Breastfeeders Anonymous!
Friday, August 03, 2007
Bare Breasts and proud of it!

Of course, everyone doesn’t feel the same way considering the odd looks I get when feeding out in public. And what’s even stranger, most of the strange looks come from women! Men don’t seem to blink an eye. Not that you can see much beneath a discreetly draped shawl but for some bizarre reason breastfeeding makes some people uncomfortable.
It benefits bub and mum for a multitude of reasons.
It’s easy and convenient.
Quite simply, breastfeeding is the best!
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Breastfeeding Angels

This lady, my angel, spent about ½ an hour with me, one-on-one, guiding my baby son and myself into the beginning of a beautiful breastfeeding relationship. Twice during that time, the matron poked her head into the room to remind my midwife that she had other mums to see to and she should hurry up. To which my midwife replied, “I will come when I am sure Sally is ready for me to leave her.” Wow-how special did I feel!

I left that hospital confident in the knowledge that I had someone who believed in me and my abilities to breastfeed and I continued to breastfeed my son for another 14 months. I never did recall my angel’s name but I will always remember her kindness and devotion to both me and breastfeeding.