Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Mother and Baby Mag!

Breastfeeders Anonymous features in the latest Mother and Baby Magazine in Australia.
Sorry the scanned image isn't that fantastic, so here's what they had to say:

Written by a mum with a passion for breastfeeding, this book aims to be a support for any mums facing the highs - and sometimes lows - of breastfeeding. It includes answers to many frequently asked questions and busts the breastfeeding myths you're sure to encounter.


Anonymous said...

This will be great exposure for your book Rachael. The magazine is definately the leading mother & baby mag in Australia. Good work!

Rachael Blair said...

Thanks whoever you are!!! And, it's really nice to see that someone is STILL READING!

Cate Brickell said...

I saw the review, Rachael, but couldn't remember where my link to you was... of course, I hadn't added it from my PM's yet!! (you gave me the link from over at bubub!)

Anonymous said...

Hi RACH!!! Just popping in to have a read of whats going on with your book etc, keep up the great work!!! love pen xoxo