I have the great joy of announcing that as of today ‘Breastfeeders Anonymous: For women who want to breastfeed’ is officially published and available to buy at http://www.breastfeedersanonymous.com/
‘Breastfeeders Anonymous’ is a book that will hopefully encourage women to pursue breastfeeding and give them the information and ammunition they need to succeed at this.
To celebrate the launch of the book, I’m holding a month long Launch Party here on my blog. Each day there’ll be a guest blogger writing about their experiences of breastfeeding… there’s some really diverse guests, including a couple of romance writers, an illustrator, the cover designer of 'Breastfeeders Anonymous', inventors of breastfeeding related things, real-life mums and many, many more.
I’ll also be running a couple of contests throughout the month for a chance to win your own copy of ‘Breastfeeders Anonymous.’ First contest starts August 2nd.
‘Breastfeeders Anonymous’ is a book that will hopefully encourage women to pursue breastfeeding and give them the information and ammunition they need to succeed at this.
To celebrate the launch of the book, I’m holding a month long Launch Party here on my blog. Each day there’ll be a guest blogger writing about their experiences of breastfeeding… there’s some really diverse guests, including a couple of romance writers, an illustrator, the cover designer of 'Breastfeeders Anonymous', inventors of breastfeeding related things, real-life mums and many, many more.
I’ll also be running a couple of contests throughout the month for a chance to win your own copy of ‘Breastfeeders Anonymous.’ First contest starts August 2nd.

Now, before I go, I’d like to thank Tash who through ‘Google’ found her way to the website before it was officially launched and became the first buyer of ‘Breastfeeders Anonymous’. Your copy will be making its way to you this week.
Tash contributed this gorgeous photo to the book, which is one of many beautiful breastfeeding photos between the pages.
Well, that’s it until tomorrow… so grab yourself a celebratory drink or a yummy chocolate and join me online for a month long party!!!